How Does Military T...
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How Does Military Time Work, And What Countries Use It? Source
How Does Military Time Work, And What Countries Use It? Source
קבוצה: רשום
הצטרף/ה: 2023-06-14
New Member


This is important because Military Time doesn't use AM or PM to denote morning or afternoon. Military Time serves a direct purpose in clarifying time of day and time zone without possible confusion of AM or PM. In order to convert the time, we need to distinguish if the number is before or after midday. If the number is smaller than 1200, it's the morning. Remember, Military Time will always have four digits, including the times early in morning like 7am which would be 0700 Hours. Suppose the military time is 1300 hours, or after, subtract 12 from the specified hour to get the time in a 12-hour clock. Then add the colon between the hour and the minutes and put pm at the end. The 24-hour clock is primarily used in the non-english speaking countries in Europe, Lation America, Asia and Africa. Most English speaking countries expect The United States usually switches back and forth between 12-hour and 24-hour time because neither have been established as the standard. Although the 24 hour clock is well established, the world and communication is constantly changing and who knows what the changing global community will need next. For most people, it can be difficult to memorize and use the military time chart. One of the best ways to learn is just by making a clock and practicing telling time. After a few repetitions, it will become easy, and hopefully, even second nature. Many veterans today only use a watch with military time. For converting military time to standard time, input the military time, excluding a colon. With OnTheClock’s military time calculator, you can effortlessly convert to and from the 24-hour clock, helping you stay punctual and organized. The military time presented in this chart uses the time zone letter code affixed to the end of the time. This is simply to denote the time zone in which the time is referenced. The letter corresponds to the first letter of the time zone name. If you wanted to convert back from military time to civilian time, you would simply subtract 12 to arrive at the pm hour and minutes.



military time chart
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